Editing Sublime Text packages

published 2014-03-03 [ home ]

I have finally decided to configure Sublime Text 2 to have it autocomplete Lua code the way I want it to.

For instance, by default, when you start typing function and hit TAB, you get the following result:

function function_name( ... )
  -- body

Instead I wanted this:


It turns out this is very simple. Go to Preferences -> Browse Packages... and open the Lua directory. There are several files there, including two named function-(fun).sublime-snippet and function-(function).sublime-snippet which do almost the same thing.

Remove the first one and open the second one in a text editor. Its content should be something like:

    <content><![CDATA[function ${1:function_name}( ${2:...} )
    ${0:-- body}

Replace it by:


… and that is all, the deed is done!